All that you need to know about Economics
Econtutorials is a hub of articles, notes, lectures, manuals and online courses of Economics that will guide you from its very basic terms to advance methods of solving quantitative problems.
Domains of Economics
The Benefits of Perfect Competition: A Comprehensive Analysis
In the world of economics, perfect competition is a market structure that holds great significance. It represents an ideal scenario where numerous buyers and sellers engage in the exchange of goods or services, with no individual entity having the power to influence...
Difference between the long-run and short-run Aggregate supply (AS) curve
Through time, different views of how the economy works have shaped theories that aren’t equal in their assumptions, which correspond to the attempt to resolve the biggest questions that where unanswered at the time, and often were problems that policymakers...
Quantity Theory of Money
‘Salary’ is a word derived from salt, salt was used as a mean of payment in the Roman empire for many years, later in the mercantilist Era a mean of storing wealth was gold but no theory of money was known in that time so as a consequence a wave of inflation was born...