All that you need to know about Economics
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Domains of Economics
Difference between Perfect and Imperfect multicollinearity
Imperfect multicollinearity With imperfect multicollinearity, an independent variable has a strong but not perfect linear function of one or more independent variables. This also means that there are also variables in the model that effects the independent variable....
Eviews Regression with Dummy variables
To understand regression analysis with dummy variables, let us take an example of using dummy variable with structural changes in an economy. For example, there was a structural change in U.S during 1981-1982, and also a severe recession in 2007 and 2008. So when we...
Dummy Variables
By Definition, Dummy variables are Indicator, Categorical and Qualitative variables that are used to quantify the qualitative, nominal scale variables by giving them the value of 0 and 1. In simple words, we come across variable which are non-numerical in their...