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Domains of Economics
Bank-Based vs. Market-Based Economies
Can We Still Define Banks Nowadays? According to literature in the field, the following definition is widely accepted: “a bank is a financial intermediary that offers loans and deposits, and payment services” (Casu, 2006) However, nowadays banks have diversified the...
Kinked Demand Theory of Oligopoly
Forms of Oligopoly There are two forms of oligopoly structure; i. Collusive Oligopoly: In such oligopoly few firms unite together through a formal or informal agreement. The example for formal agreement is cartels and the example for informal agreement is price...
Economic Inefficiencies of Monopoly
The economic inefficiencies of monopoly can also be regarded as demerits or disadvantages of monopoly. Monopoly is definitely a harmful element of an economy as a single firm rules over the economy and sets the prices of commodity, which has no substitute in the...